Easter Safety Reminder


Easter Safety Reminder

We urge all holiday makers to be extra careful on the roads over this Easter long weekend.  According to ANZPAA during the Easter break last year 19 people were killed on Australian roads. 
We understand that most of you will be heading off after work on Thursday afternoon down roads you may not be familiar with. Below are a few tips for driving during the Easter break;
  1. Over taking on country roads is normally at high speeds. If you are unsure whether or not it is safe to overtake, stay where you are. 
  2. Be mindful that travelling at high speeds on gravel roads can be dangerous. You can lose control very easily so adjust your speed on unsealed roads. 
  3. Be aware of your surroundings. If you are heading off in the afternoon that is most likely when you will see wildlife on the roads. If you do see any wildlife ahead reduce your speed and prepare to stop. 
  4. Be patient. Easter is one of the busiest holidays for WA roads.  Remember that it’s better to arrive late than not at all.
What’s the rush?  Cheer up, slow down and Chill out.   #EaseUp for Easter
Happy Easter from all of us here at Knightcorp! 

We are egg-static about Easter

Want to have a bit of fun this Easter?  Forget about painting eggs…how boring!  How about a confetti Egg fight?  All the fun of throwing an egg at a loved one but without egg in your face!
Take a look at these egg-cellent ideas so you and your family can have a confetti egg fight this long weekend.   Click here


Category: News